“Research that matters…

For communities WHO thrivE”

Welcome to KLE Consulting, your partner in all of your research and evaluation needs!

About KLE

At KLE Consulting, our mission is to conduct meaningful, actionable research that meets the needs of diverse populations. We are deeply committed to promoting the health and well-being of families and communities. Our key services include program evaluation, technical assistance, and capacity-building, catering primarily to federal or state agencies, private institutions, and nonprofit organizations that provide family and community-based services. Comprising social scientists, practitioners, educators, and licensed clinicians, our interdisciplinary team brings a rich array of perspectives and experiences to every project, ensuring a comprehensive and nuanced approach.

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Our Services

Research Design

Evaluation Planning & Implementation

Technical Assistance & Training

why US…

We are dedicated to supporting federal agencies, academic institutions, and local organizations that deliver family- and community-based programs to vulnerable populations. Our offerings span from data collection and analysis to the evaluation of existing programs and from the design and implementation of new initiatives to staff training and capacity building.

With a broad spectrum of expertise in areas such as family science, psychology, maternal and child health, human development, and community and behavioral health, our team is well-prepared to undertake complex tasks. They can efficiently conduct systematic literature reviews, devise robust research methodologies, perform mixed-method data analyses, and compile comprehensive technical reports for both internal and external use.